Saturday, June 25, 2005

Apathy... Customer Service At Its Best!

Tonight has been busy. Not so busy that you feel as if the world is swirling around like one were in the middle of a tornadic funnel being whisked off to somewhere past fucking Kansas, but it has been busy, or maybe the word is steady. However, something scary happened to me tonight, something I loathe something I cannot fucking stand and something that pisses me off more than you know.

Let me back up… I lived on this tiny island in the Pacific once upon a time. Unfortunately it was not with Mimi because she would have loved it and we could have fucked (I should probably say, made love or at least said, have sex, but I like the shock value of fuck! Ok?!) in all sorts of cool places and setting. Unfortunately this wonderful paradise was wasted on the ice queen with whom I hade previously wed. At any rate, upon arrival, I was warned about this thing called “island time.”

You see… things in the tropics and most especially on islands go at a much different pace than here in the states. If you have been to Jamaica or the Bahamas you have most certainly experienced this, and if not previously warned, you would take this pace as people being stupid or just not really giving a damn. But island time is part of the natural order of these places because everything just moves slowly and why should you be in a rush anyway… you are on a fucking island!

So I learned to adapt to my clients being late to meetings and as I took most of my meetings at beach clubs or terrace restaurants, who am I to complain. I mean I have no problem waiting to meet clients while looking over a beach filled with beautiful scantily clad women. I cannot think of any other place I would rather be except with my wife when she is lying there scantily or completely un-clad (oh yes, what a sight) on the beach, right!?

One thing I did not know prior to coming to this paradise, one thing I never got used to, and something that pissed me off more than anything in the world was customer service, something which was not necessarily linked with island time, but is directly linked to laziness. It was not unusual to go to a store, ask for help with the location of a product and be told that item did not exist within the confines of the store or even worse, they were out of something. Now realize it is an island and that everything that one buys on any island except coconuts, papaya, plantains, breadfruit, thatch hats and baskets, have to be brought in by ship. So a store being out of something, like say, a specific car with specific options, or a 2 billion carat diamond or even a model of a brand new phone, computer or video that just premiered is feasibly possible and in some cases probable. But when one goes into a store and asks, “where are your bars of soap?” and you are told “we are out…” Well that is fucked up customer service. Especially when you go hunting for said item because you are pissed at the fact they just gave you a proverbial “fuck you I don’t wanna help you,” and out of the sheer satisfaction you find it and look them down while purchasing said item and they know you are telling the sales person (without saying it of course) to “fuck off,” themselves!

Well that customer service or as some call it, “customer-no-service” is a pet peeve of mine. But tonight I cannot believe what happened to me. Or maybe not so much what happened to me, more like what I did and almost did not do. I almost pulled a customer-no-service trick on someone. And that pisses me off because I am better than that, but that is what this apathy has brought me to at this place. I have told my people not to go down the rabbit hole. Do not learn too much, if you do, we will have to fix the problem. I say that because many times when we discover the problem, the question comes back as to why we did not find it sooner, or possibly that something we did caused the problem or any number of very nasty things, because it seems there always must be a fall guy and if something has been sitting around for a long time waiting to be discovered, it is not so much, “hey thanks for a good job in identifying the problem and fucking fixing it!” No its more like, why the fuck didn’t you find it sooner, we should fucking fire you!

Ok so that may be a bit extreme, but not so much a stretch in general. My point is, we do what we are supposed to do and I have learned it does not really pay to excel too very much, otherwise you are liable to get burnt because the name of the game at this organization is CYA. I refuse to CYA because that is a nutless way to go about things, I have just become apathetic to the entire situation. So what prompted this whole diatribe when I really ought to be talking about the one time Mimi and I fucked on the balcony of the condo we stayed in a few summers ago where I know the entire world heard us (ok it was really her, she is a screamer, one of the many things that I love so much about that woman) and where I have a good idea some people saw us. Why? Because I am pissed at myself.

So this may not sound like a big deal to you, but I will refer back to an earlier post and the fact my wife recently commented how it has become very apparent that I do not treat this job with the same zeal I would normally have when working. It, however, is true and last night is a prime example. So one of my folks comes to me and tells me there is a small problem. Our information indicates the issue is minor, but another one of my folks is finding some different information. So this guy asks me how I want to proceed. At first I told him that if, in general, the issue was of no consequence, then we do not really need to disturb someone in the middle of the night. However, I was curious to see if there were any client specific instructions. What I found was that basically if the issue was not a big deal, don’t bother the client.

Now I start thinking, it may be a big issue, but what we are reacting to points to something rather insignificant, and if we do nothing no one will know the better and someone else can deal with it and the client really does not need too know at the moment. So I can let the other fucker who discovers this is a real issue deal with the problem. That is what I wanted to do, I even began moving my folks in that direction and then my guy started asking “what if” and then I had to rethink and remember that I was here for the customer. In the end, we did what was right for the customer, we had to contact him, and we did what was right and fixed the problem.

My point to all of this is I almost became that which I despise and hate. And that just pisses me off. It makes me realize how badly I must find something else. It makes me realize how jaded Corporate America has made me. It just pisses me off! So I will go home, get a few hours sleep, wake up and enjoy this evening and tomorrow. Monday morning I will be hitting the job search again, as I do most Mondays looking and calling and making my contacts. I must find something soon.

As I close I will impart upon you again, and since you spent your time trudging through all my bullshit… I took some pics of Mimi, and I think I may even set some things up to post other pics, but I will try to post some very naughty pics of Mimi on her blog and on this one. She wants me to post her wet tee pics, so that will be one of my goals this weekend.


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