Its Good To Be A Dick, or Just DICK!
I feel better now! Why do I feel better, I have gotten caught up on my posts. That is assuming I finish this and get it posted this morning. But this is not going to be one of my more humorous postings, but hopefully not as dark as the one about child molesters and murderers. One thing I am going to try my damnedest from doing is making this a political post or rather I should say, I am not going to slam on the Dems specifically. I am going to take down one particular Dem, but not because of his party affiliation, but because this ass-clown has fucked up and now back tracked and is a nutless fuck bag that needs to be detained by whacked out Islamic Wahhabist Radicals who want nothing better to do than cut the heads off innocent civilians because they themselves are nothing but nutless cowards who seek to kill innocent people while hiding behind their cowardly blasphemous religious ways.
I once again remind you this is not a slam on the Dems, this is a slam on Dick Durbin and he and those like him be it Democrat, Republican, Arab or what have you. If you feel the way Dick Durbin feels then I am talking to you and I will pitch a war of words with you. There is a caveat in that challenge, you must serve or have served your country in peace or war, and you must have gone through at least one survival school and dealt with severe ass-kickings. Then and only then will I enter into a war of words because if you have done these two things you will be in a position to have a minutia of understanding what it feels like to be a prisoner.
So there I sat… No Shit (this is how all good military stories start), I was cold, I had these thin blue pajama things on, and some boots with no laces. I heard myself across the loud speaker system and the horrible things I said about my country, about the people I was with and I started to cry. I could not understand it, those were none of the things I had said, they turned everything around. I knew my buddies would not believe what they heard, but what about the others? I had no idea, I was broken, and that was what did it. The beatings, and everything else that was easy, but I had been tricked and they used my intelligence and my knowledge to break me.
Several days later I was ordered to turn around, and salute the flag of the people. The people of who I was now part of and joined. We all refused (I am not sure if I am even supposed to tell this part, it is like telling an ending of a story which should be kept secret), but finally we were forced to turn and salute this flag. My intention, and I know based on our training the entire team’s intention, was never to salute the flag but keep our eyes turned down, or give the bird in a mock salute or something like that. But we turned, saw the stars and stripes, and the national anthem was played and we cried. All of us, and even at this moment as I write this I force myself from tearing up because the emotion of that day being “repatriated” still lingers in me. In that moment as the pea gravel shooshed with all of us turning around, and looking upon the flag, I understood what it was to be one of those who defends their country. For a moment, I was a patriot, I was one of those few who stood for their country in harms way and would have gladly died for her. I understood what it was to be part of a brotherhood of military men who had fought and died, but I also learned a little of what it was like to be captured tortured and to understand what it took for those men who were POWs to make it out alive to come home to this wonderful land of ours.

After my first school I attended several other schools. I wanted to be a better stronger willed person. I wanted never to be beaten and broken again. I learned several times over, very basic techniques of resistance in a POW situation. But not until last week did I learn something else. There are those in our ranks, people in our country, that have not the foggiest clue as to what abuse is, what interrogation mean, and what it takes to extract information from prisoners and terrorists. They simply have no clue.
So these guys start walking up to the rolled barbed wire. They wore tattered clothes, they had holes in their boots, they had shed most, if not all, of their equipment. Some brought weapons that were empty of bullets to trade or sell (the had been told that we would only help them if they had something to trade) they were hungry because they had not had even partial rations for days. Most of all they were scared of the US military because they were told their imprisonment would be harsher than the most hellish of Saddam’s prisons, a place called Abu Graib. They were told the US soldiers would slaughter them, and roast their flesh and eat it while drinking alcohol on the holy sacred ground of Mesopotamia. They were told their women would be raped beaten and tortured if we invaded, that they would be ripped apart under torturous conditions. The only way they could avoid these tortures was to fight to the death, resist all help from the Americans. For all that, these Iraqi soldiers were starved and given limited rations and provided no support, little to no water, no uniform refresh, they were given nothing. And the desert is hot my friends, at the height of the day it can soar to over 120 degrees Fahrenheit. We do not fight in the day, or we try not to fight in the day, we fight at night and rest during the day when we can. They forced themselves to turn themselves over to us, knowing that their fate was doomed. All of them were repatriated to go home, fully fed, sent with rations with clothes, and all treated for their medical ailments. And at the end of the conflict they brought the word back, the American soldiers were not beasts of hell, but men of mercy and truth.
Now, I am not sure if you know of all the atrocities that go on foreign soils, I am not sure if you know about the Hanoi Hilton, or the death camps in Pyongyang (these are not only for POWs but for civilians as well), or if you know of the gulags of Stalin and Hitler, or of Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen. If you do not know of these places, I implore you to research them. I will not go into the graphic sickening details of the Abu Graib of Saddam’s day, and I will not go into a history of the hell our American POWs have endured at places like Bataan, or the other Japanese camps of Asia during WWII. I refuse to put you through the mind numbing graphic detail of torture, murder and truly inhumane treatment of POWs.
So DICK… Dick Durbin that is, Dick Durbin (D) Illinois, Senator Dick Durban otherwise known as Richard Durban, who is a Senator of Illinois, you are the reason why I am glad we have free speech. I am glad you were able to stand up in front of America and shame our military, but instead shame yourself. I am glad you have now stood up in front of America and back peddled because you a are worthless spineless piece of human refuse. You sir have not a fucking clue as to what inhuman treatment is, you have no idea what some of these people are capable of, you have no idea what a garden of Eden the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay reside in as compared with where they came. They were “free” before Gitmo, but they were free to kill our citizens, and free to repress women, and free to kill those who do not believe humankind should be free to make their own choices, they were free to live in caves, and they were free to inflict torture on people who for the most part were innocent, they were free to shoot people in the head for minor crimes against their religion in soccer fields while being televised on state TV.
Now these people DICK, live in cells bigger than barracks rooms I had when I was in garrison and had two to four additional bunk mates, these prisoners have to endure non air conditioned rooms, while our soldiers lie out in the battlefield under a poncho for shade in 120 degree weather, waiting to move on to the next engagement. These people get lukewarm water, while our troops have nice hot water from their canteens or have to wait for their next re-supply. Have you ever had to drink an IV because you had no water DICK? I thought not!
I think you know not what you talk about when comparing the conditions of the prisoners of Gitmo to the treatment our fellow Americans and various contractors receive before their beheadings. I dare say they do not get air conditioning, three meals a day, fresh linen and a pool to lounge about while waiting for their execution. Sure our prisoners may have to listen to some rap music at an excessive level, and sure they may not get 8 hours of sleep, and sure they may be hosed down from time to time. Big fucking deal! I had that bullshit happen to me DICK! I had worse happen to me and I was in fucking training. And it happens day in and day out to many professional soldiers training to deal with the threat of torture at the hands of an enemy. And I want you to know DICK, that 99% of all those fuckers in Gitmo know they will be released to go home some day, alive and healthy. You cannot say that about our soldiers and civilians.
So let me tell you DICK, I don’t even want you to walk a mile, all you have to do is walk a half mile in my shoes and then maybe you can talk. But let me tell you… You cannot do it, because you lack something my brethren and I have; Integrity. You know why I know you do not have that quality, because you back tracked and you made an apology for statements that you made. But you could not even take the fucking blame for your own statement you blamed it on the media, on a right-wing conspiracy, on the fact it was out of context. Well DICK, you are no man; you are a spineless coward who cannot even take responsibility for your own actions. You cannot stand for your convictions, you helped and continue to help the terrorists and enemies of our country by being spineless and thus you are a traitor to those you say you serve out of complicity by being a purveyor of untrue baseless arguments due to your own self gratifying ignorant and cowardly statements.
So to both of my readers, I apologize for my rant, my hope is somehow this will get googled, and I get a billion hits, and this makes it to the email rounds and this dick at some point gets to see what I think of him. So thank you for enduring through my ranting and I promise a bit more enjoyable reading through out the week.
I once again remind you this is not a slam on the Dems, this is a slam on Dick Durbin and he and those like him be it Democrat, Republican, Arab or what have you. If you feel the way Dick Durbin feels then I am talking to you and I will pitch a war of words with you. There is a caveat in that challenge, you must serve or have served your country in peace or war, and you must have gone through at least one survival school and dealt with severe ass-kickings. Then and only then will I enter into a war of words because if you have done these two things you will be in a position to have a minutia of understanding what it feels like to be a prisoner.
So there I sat… No Shit (this is how all good military stories start), I was cold, I had these thin blue pajama things on, and some boots with no laces. I heard myself across the loud speaker system and the horrible things I said about my country, about the people I was with and I started to cry. I could not understand it, those were none of the things I had said, they turned everything around. I knew my buddies would not believe what they heard, but what about the others? I had no idea, I was broken, and that was what did it. The beatings, and everything else that was easy, but I had been tricked and they used my intelligence and my knowledge to break me.
Several days later I was ordered to turn around, and salute the flag of the people. The people of who I was now part of and joined. We all refused (I am not sure if I am even supposed to tell this part, it is like telling an ending of a story which should be kept secret), but finally we were forced to turn and salute this flag. My intention, and I know based on our training the entire team’s intention, was never to salute the flag but keep our eyes turned down, or give the bird in a mock salute or something like that. But we turned, saw the stars and stripes, and the national anthem was played and we cried. All of us, and even at this moment as I write this I force myself from tearing up because the emotion of that day being “repatriated” still lingers in me. In that moment as the pea gravel shooshed with all of us turning around, and looking upon the flag, I understood what it was to be one of those who defends their country. For a moment, I was a patriot, I was one of those few who stood for their country in harms way and would have gladly died for her. I understood what it was to be part of a brotherhood of military men who had fought and died, but I also learned a little of what it was like to be captured tortured and to understand what it took for those men who were POWs to make it out alive to come home to this wonderful land of ours.

After my first school I attended several other schools. I wanted to be a better stronger willed person. I wanted never to be beaten and broken again. I learned several times over, very basic techniques of resistance in a POW situation. But not until last week did I learn something else. There are those in our ranks, people in our country, that have not the foggiest clue as to what abuse is, what interrogation mean, and what it takes to extract information from prisoners and terrorists. They simply have no clue.
So these guys start walking up to the rolled barbed wire. They wore tattered clothes, they had holes in their boots, they had shed most, if not all, of their equipment. Some brought weapons that were empty of bullets to trade or sell (the had been told that we would only help them if they had something to trade) they were hungry because they had not had even partial rations for days. Most of all they were scared of the US military because they were told their imprisonment would be harsher than the most hellish of Saddam’s prisons, a place called Abu Graib. They were told the US soldiers would slaughter them, and roast their flesh and eat it while drinking alcohol on the holy sacred ground of Mesopotamia. They were told their women would be raped beaten and tortured if we invaded, that they would be ripped apart under torturous conditions. The only way they could avoid these tortures was to fight to the death, resist all help from the Americans. For all that, these Iraqi soldiers were starved and given limited rations and provided no support, little to no water, no uniform refresh, they were given nothing. And the desert is hot my friends, at the height of the day it can soar to over 120 degrees Fahrenheit. We do not fight in the day, or we try not to fight in the day, we fight at night and rest during the day when we can. They forced themselves to turn themselves over to us, knowing that their fate was doomed. All of them were repatriated to go home, fully fed, sent with rations with clothes, and all treated for their medical ailments. And at the end of the conflict they brought the word back, the American soldiers were not beasts of hell, but men of mercy and truth.
Now, I am not sure if you know of all the atrocities that go on foreign soils, I am not sure if you know about the Hanoi Hilton, or the death camps in Pyongyang (these are not only for POWs but for civilians as well), or if you know of the gulags of Stalin and Hitler, or of Auschwitz or Bergen-Belsen. If you do not know of these places, I implore you to research them. I will not go into the graphic sickening details of the Abu Graib of Saddam’s day, and I will not go into a history of the hell our American POWs have endured at places like Bataan, or the other Japanese camps of Asia during WWII. I refuse to put you through the mind numbing graphic detail of torture, murder and truly inhumane treatment of POWs.
So DICK… Dick Durbin that is, Dick Durbin (D) Illinois, Senator Dick Durban otherwise known as Richard Durban, who is a Senator of Illinois, you are the reason why I am glad we have free speech. I am glad you were able to stand up in front of America and shame our military, but instead shame yourself. I am glad you have now stood up in front of America and back peddled because you a are worthless spineless piece of human refuse. You sir have not a fucking clue as to what inhuman treatment is, you have no idea what some of these people are capable of, you have no idea what a garden of Eden the prisoners of Guantanamo Bay reside in as compared with where they came. They were “free” before Gitmo, but they were free to kill our citizens, and free to repress women, and free to kill those who do not believe humankind should be free to make their own choices, they were free to live in caves, and they were free to inflict torture on people who for the most part were innocent, they were free to shoot people in the head for minor crimes against their religion in soccer fields while being televised on state TV.
Now these people DICK, live in cells bigger than barracks rooms I had when I was in garrison and had two to four additional bunk mates, these prisoners have to endure non air conditioned rooms, while our soldiers lie out in the battlefield under a poncho for shade in 120 degree weather, waiting to move on to the next engagement. These people get lukewarm water, while our troops have nice hot water from their canteens or have to wait for their next re-supply. Have you ever had to drink an IV because you had no water DICK? I thought not!
I think you know not what you talk about when comparing the conditions of the prisoners of Gitmo to the treatment our fellow Americans and various contractors receive before their beheadings. I dare say they do not get air conditioning, three meals a day, fresh linen and a pool to lounge about while waiting for their execution. Sure our prisoners may have to listen to some rap music at an excessive level, and sure they may not get 8 hours of sleep, and sure they may be hosed down from time to time. Big fucking deal! I had that bullshit happen to me DICK! I had worse happen to me and I was in fucking training. And it happens day in and day out to many professional soldiers training to deal with the threat of torture at the hands of an enemy. And I want you to know DICK, that 99% of all those fuckers in Gitmo know they will be released to go home some day, alive and healthy. You cannot say that about our soldiers and civilians.
So let me tell you DICK, I don’t even want you to walk a mile, all you have to do is walk a half mile in my shoes and then maybe you can talk. But let me tell you… You cannot do it, because you lack something my brethren and I have; Integrity. You know why I know you do not have that quality, because you back tracked and you made an apology for statements that you made. But you could not even take the fucking blame for your own statement you blamed it on the media, on a right-wing conspiracy, on the fact it was out of context. Well DICK, you are no man; you are a spineless coward who cannot even take responsibility for your own actions. You cannot stand for your convictions, you helped and continue to help the terrorists and enemies of our country by being spineless and thus you are a traitor to those you say you serve out of complicity by being a purveyor of untrue baseless arguments due to your own self gratifying ignorant and cowardly statements.
So to both of my readers, I apologize for my rant, my hope is somehow this will get googled, and I get a billion hits, and this makes it to the email rounds and this dick at some point gets to see what I think of him. So thank you for enduring through my ranting and I promise a bit more enjoyable reading through out the week.
Jay, still reading... Mimis too!
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