Friday, June 10, 2005

Comment Whoring 101....

I have over 270 hits on my site, and can count my comments over the past few months on probably one hand, maybe two hands. Seriously I am not comment whoring here, but I do need some help.

1. Any feed back on my ludicous boring insanely long entries really would be appreciated. Meaning - should I keep writing this schlock or should I aim for a pulitzer...

2. This is MOST IMPORTANT at least for the moment, in easy concise instructions can ANYONE tell me how to view what searches and other sites bring people to my site, if any?

3. I Am now going to "comment whore" for Mimi... She is getting lonely and wondering if people are really reading her blog...

Thanks for your comments!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Comment whoring,, but my mom says I can only spend 3 dollars...

Jay,Mimi, your blogs have become a part of the morning route, just after i check email ,sit here and zone out, and make sure that my TPS reports have the cover sheet attached. I did get the memo.

Memo to Mimi, ever go back to your high school football field for a half-time show on the 50 yard line? ( added to her comments too)

11:47 AM  

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