My Lady With A Blue Dress On....
I am trying to decide what to do this morning as I write. I have about three directions to go. I want to tell you all about another interesting thing I have heard about middle school children and their antics (this my friends, I heard about twice in as many weeks and it is a disturbing thing), the next thing would be to go down the path of my sheer fall to abysmal depression when it comes to my job (I know I have been doing this for quite some time, actually one of the purposes of my blog), or the third path is trying to put into words an issue I am having with my son.
But I have yet another issue
Let’s start this off with my anniversary, which took place over the weekend. You see, I have been married to my wife for five years now, and have known her for over seven years. She has known my son and lived with my son more than twice the amount his biological mother lived with him and that is a loose term since her job and time volunteered out to do extra work, kept her gone a majority of those years.
Mimi is a wonderful woman but a woman she is, and she does not understand men, where likewise we men still do not have a firm grasp of women. So we had a nice romantic evening Saturday night and unfortunately I upset my lovely bride by reacting in the incorrect manner regarding her state of dress (which was on some levels full, but on other levels, barely dressed). You see my wife has this really awesome dress; it is a spaghetti strapped little tiny sun dress, made of very thin material. As Mimi has alluded, it has been the center of some heated, although short lived, battles.
I have a tendency to tell my wife what I would like to see her wearing when we go out from time to time. And I make no bones about it, I generally ask her to dress in some rather provocative things. But this dress is not all that provocative and I do enjoy seeing her wear it as it is very short thus easy physically and visually access to her lower body and being of flexible thin material held up by two thin and flexible straps, her upper body is also quite accessible. Thus, it is a dress which allows quite spontaneous fun and many flashing opportunities.
So let me set the stage for you… I am wearing some ratty baggy jean shorts and a polo shirt. I have been in the kitchen cooking steaks on our indoor grill (thank you mother nature), baking some potatoes, making some salad, cutting and buttering bread. I figured I would put dinner on the table, and we would eat by candle light enjoying our conversation. Mimi had been wearing some shorts and a green top, and was looking like a nice mother ought to.
So, just as I begin wondering about my dear wife and whether she had been sucked into a black hole between putting our little one down and coming down to enjoy some nice steak, I turn around and to my surprise… Mimi is in this dress.
So just to remind you all, I was in some ratty baggy jean shorts and a polo, she, in this dress, freshly manicured toes and finger nails and little else besides her glossy red lips. I take a step back and out of my mouth comes…”Why are you wearing that?” Now in my mind I am thinking she looks really hot, and I am sweaty and have been cooking. I am thinking we aren’t going anywhere and most likely we will be getting in the hot tub… so why is she wearing that? Most times I ask her to wear it, a close combat firefight erupts. Usually with me telling her to wear whatever she wants. However on this occasion, she caught me off guard and in a situation I was not readily equipped for since I had no expectations of anything.
So I tell her, as I said before, “Why are you wearing that?” and she gets this look on her face like, “I cannot believe you just said that to me, WTF?” and so I try to explain in a very inept way that I liked what she had on, and she looked really nice and quite hot, but I just did not expect her to be wearing that as only in the past half hour she was wearing something completely different and the fact I was wearing what I was wearing.
Folks, I unintentionally hurt my wife’s feelings just as we were celebrating our fifth anniversary.
So to you Mimi, I am sorry, as I thought I had recovered from the initial shock of my question but based on your blog entry tonight I am apologizing again.
I am truly sorry for saying exactly the wrong thing when you wanted me to say, “Wow, you look Hot…” which is exactly what I was thinking. I just was also thinking the other…
Now here is the dress in question…
But I have yet another issue
Let’s start this off with my anniversary, which took place over the weekend. You see, I have been married to my wife for five years now, and have known her for over seven years. She has known my son and lived with my son more than twice the amount his biological mother lived with him and that is a loose term since her job and time volunteered out to do extra work, kept her gone a majority of those years.
Mimi is a wonderful woman but a woman she is, and she does not understand men, where likewise we men still do not have a firm grasp of women. So we had a nice romantic evening Saturday night and unfortunately I upset my lovely bride by reacting in the incorrect manner regarding her state of dress (which was on some levels full, but on other levels, barely dressed). You see my wife has this really awesome dress; it is a spaghetti strapped little tiny sun dress, made of very thin material. As Mimi has alluded, it has been the center of some heated, although short lived, battles.
I have a tendency to tell my wife what I would like to see her wearing when we go out from time to time. And I make no bones about it, I generally ask her to dress in some rather provocative things. But this dress is not all that provocative and I do enjoy seeing her wear it as it is very short thus easy physically and visually access to her lower body and being of flexible thin material held up by two thin and flexible straps, her upper body is also quite accessible. Thus, it is a dress which allows quite spontaneous fun and many flashing opportunities.
So let me set the stage for you… I am wearing some ratty baggy jean shorts and a polo shirt. I have been in the kitchen cooking steaks on our indoor grill (thank you mother nature), baking some potatoes, making some salad, cutting and buttering bread. I figured I would put dinner on the table, and we would eat by candle light enjoying our conversation. Mimi had been wearing some shorts and a green top, and was looking like a nice mother ought to.
So, just as I begin wondering about my dear wife and whether she had been sucked into a black hole between putting our little one down and coming down to enjoy some nice steak, I turn around and to my surprise… Mimi is in this dress.
So just to remind you all, I was in some ratty baggy jean shorts and a polo, she, in this dress, freshly manicured toes and finger nails and little else besides her glossy red lips. I take a step back and out of my mouth comes…”Why are you wearing that?” Now in my mind I am thinking she looks really hot, and I am sweaty and have been cooking. I am thinking we aren’t going anywhere and most likely we will be getting in the hot tub… so why is she wearing that? Most times I ask her to wear it, a close combat firefight erupts. Usually with me telling her to wear whatever she wants. However on this occasion, she caught me off guard and in a situation I was not readily equipped for since I had no expectations of anything.
So I tell her, as I said before, “Why are you wearing that?” and she gets this look on her face like, “I cannot believe you just said that to me, WTF?” and so I try to explain in a very inept way that I liked what she had on, and she looked really nice and quite hot, but I just did not expect her to be wearing that as only in the past half hour she was wearing something completely different and the fact I was wearing what I was wearing.
Folks, I unintentionally hurt my wife’s feelings just as we were celebrating our fifth anniversary.
So to you Mimi, I am sorry, as I thought I had recovered from the initial shock of my question but based on your blog entry tonight I am apologizing again.
I am truly sorry for saying exactly the wrong thing when you wanted me to say, “Wow, you look Hot…” which is exactly what I was thinking. I just was also thinking the other…
Now here is the dress in question…

Goodness, that little dress doesn't look like it could cause such trouble. Guess we should say misunderstanding since things are all right now. Nor does it look so flimsy, but I'll take your word for it. A man would know. Rosie
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