Wednesday, July 20, 2005

"...And to think that in some countries these dogs are eaten"

Not much to discuss, talk about, or write about, cause I have no specific topics. I mean I could go on about a number of things; my suck ass job and the fact I am still here, the state of Hawaii and its bid to have a completely separate Hawaiian government specifically for those who are and can prove they are native Hawaiian (There is/was a huge move for Chamorro rights on Guam some years ago), then there is Al-Jazeera coming to the US TV waves, and of course Algore’s Network called Current (I just think this is interesting, but I refuse to go into a political rant), but hey… now there is something, a political rant… Something I won’t do!

There is actually something I want to talk about but I saw some interesting things in the news and as much as I want to open myself up to political target practice, I won’t do that. From the outset, I decided to temper my blog and shy away from political soap boxing and ranting. Why you might ask? Well, first I do it very well, almost too well; at least most who know me seem to think. But most importantly because of the huge target I become. Not from the standpoint like I give a shit what people think about the shit I would write about, hell, if I had a political blog, I promise you I would be using my real name. So it’s not that I am scared of being a target, but once again… it is my laziness. You see the fact is, I am a right wing conservative that sometimes makes Rush look left. I do have some moderate tendencies, like my penchant for porn and pot… but I have some pretty rock solid arguments for those.

Unlike some of my right wing brethren and very unlike most Libs, I do tend to read and watch the trash put out by people like Michael Moore and John Wesley Clark and Al Franken. As a matter of fact, I saw Fahrenheit 911 last week and applaud him for his ignorant and uneducated views. Michael Moore is a great American and I want all to know it too. He ranks up there with flag burners, and gun control freaks. You know why they are great Americans (and I only had this epiphany a few years ago), because they use their First Amendment rights to the fullest. They take their speech and actions to society’s tolerance. These are the people who make our country what it is and they help us to maintain the need and reliance on our Constitution.

I digress… So my friends, you see the reason I will not go much further than I have is because even though I am right about my observations, assertions, and speculations in the world of politics, I just cannot take the time to argue points and deal with all the email, and the in-depth email arguments that will come next and in the end would make your’s and my blogging experience all WORK and no fun!

The way I blog takes little thought and I do not have to worry about constructing arguments in a specific way just so I do not have to argue the point that will invariably be argued over anyway. I like the world of unstructured diatribe. I do that well. It takes me away for all the structure I have to deal with in the real world. I mean here I can write about my dog, and one specific activity I noticed my dog doing which brought to mind a profound thought… which is what I really plan on typing away about…

So if you have ever wondered why I do not blog about my political opinions, you now have the reason. I will step into the waters just a little bit, but I always immediately retract. And Mimi will tell you, if given the chance I will go on and on about politics, but here I cannot do so.

Oh as a side note, because my other favorite things besides politics is football. I added another $4.00 to my really ridiculously priced cable bill to get the Sports Tier yesterday. I did it because these chickie skateboarders who ride their boards with their g-strings popping out (only have seen this once I am ashamed to say) are really hot! Well no that is not it, for gratuitous cable voyeurism, I watch Caliente on Saturday afternoons around 2PM or 3PM EDT, I cannot recall at the moment which it is, but check it out!

The cool thing about the Sports Tier is the NFL Network. This station is pretty fucking cool, and with my cable system I get game highlights onDemand, and several games on the upper channels in addition to my network games. Plus I get a number of fox stations that show college games I wouldn’t normally get and I get local HS games for the area. So, with my son’s football starting, pro camps starting (which are televised live and rebroadcast at night) all I need is TIVO and some time to watch all this stuff and I will be on football overload.

Now for those of you who have not read my blog all the way through (like there is a voluminous amount anyway) you may not know about my puppy. Actually since I am pumped up with prescription sleep aides all the time and my memory seems to ridiculously shot at this point, I wonder if I have told anyone about my puppy… Hmmmm… well here is the deal, my puppy is not really a puppy, she just acts like it still. She is a 55+ pound ever-shedding Akita-German Shepherd mix that would look, if she had a bit longer and narrower snout, like a northern timber wolf. She is primarily white with some black and brown thrown in and has the thickest, softest fur you could imagine (This is a close approximation to my girl). I used to think I wanted a male dog that looked like this, so I could call him “Fang” or some other such intimidating name. However, my puppy is a girl and is the sweetest thing in the world. So when I go and love on her I do not have to worry about my homo-phobia creeping in, I can just love on my little girl puppy and I am comfortable in my manhood!

So last week, I heard these commercials about this store that is for all intents and purposes, a puppy factory, and I could swear those did not exist anymore. So I was quite surprised to hear this commercial for a store with dogs and cats etc… I thought these days you went to breeders, or the pound, or Humane Society, etc… This whole puppy farm thing even disturbed me. So Sunday afternoon I got Mimi and my daughter(my son is addicted to this game like Evercrack called Anarchy Online right now, so he declined to go on the family outing) and we piled into the family truckster and went to the pet store.

We find this place, which with traffic and taking an incorrect turn took us almost 40 minutes, and stayed there all of about 20 minutes maximum. Now I am a practical kind of guy and utilitarian about animals in general, with the exception of my puppy. However, I even have to admit, they shouldn’t have these puppy factories. In a way it all just seemed very mean having all these animals in this small store on display. Hell, they even had financing for the animals, which I think is insane. I mean if you cannot afford to drop some cash on an animal then go to a rescue or the Humane Society. And even that is a stretch. I know that both times I got a new dog, and having no supplies, I popped almost $300 in getting the basic things needed. So I am hedging if you are going to have a problem dropping several hundred dollars on the animal itself and you have to come up with supplies and initial vet bills, you probably should not get the pup. Sort of like if you have to ask how much a Ferrari and its insurance, you may ought to think about getting something a bit cheaper. Dontcha Think?

Earlier on Sunday, Mimi and I were talking about a myriad of things and then some how we got on the subject of Dead Ferris… Now you probably do not know shit about Ferris, the retarded, unbalanced inbred guinea rat my son once had, and which, as we look back on it today, a rather humorous demise. I mean it should never have been born and probably had lived longer due to several trips to the vet. I mean come on, who takes a fucking guinea pig to a vet. For the love of God, I swear what are you going to do, look your kid in the eye and say, “look we have to let the thing die cause the vet bill costs more than what it costs you to buy the fucking animal and all its shit?” Nope, that would be bad. So we take this fucking animal to the vet not once, not twice, but three times. I could have bought a hundred inbred one eyed fucking Ferris’, for all the vet bills I paid for that fucker… But I digress... If you want to learn about Ferris’ demise, see Mimi’s entry.

I know, what does all of this have to do with anything… well here it comes….

So I was watching my NFL network Monday afternoon and my puppy comes up to me with a toy in her mouth. She wants to play with daddy, and so I tossed the toy and she brought it back to me and I started tugging with it, and all of a sudden I had this thought, or was it an epiphany, a profound thought? I do not know what it was but it came to me that here I am in my house, with all my nice furniture and all my shit, and I have this animal. She is a really pretty animal, but literally an animal none the less. As a matter of fact I have three total animals living in my house right now, and have had a number of others that have died in previous years, but what is with us humans our need to bring animals in our houses and homes and take care of them. At one time a cave dude was probably sitting around in his cave watching the birds fly around over the majestic forest that stretched before him and his domesticated dog came up to him with a bone from a mastodon they had been munching on the previous evening wanting to play. And did this cave dude look at this mangy domesticated dog and think to himself… “Hmmm, why not I eat that fucker… he is an animal… but I love her so much, what the fuck is love, why not just eat it?”
So there you have it, I am an evolved cave dude and am just wondering why I have a dog in my house just like the cave dude back when they had roast mastodon for dinner! And not just a dog in my house, I treat this puppy like a fucking princess. But seriously, look at your animal, and put it in terms of it not being a pet, but simply an animal… you have an animal wondering around your house. Now admittedly, she gets her paws wiped with Wet Ones when she comes in, and she gets brushings and papered baths and groomings, shit she gets better spa treatments than Mimi… And the scary part is that my puppy is treated no where near as good as some of those cooky show dog people. Look if you are into showing your dog, I apologize, but if you watch the fruits and nuts on that show Showdog Moms & Dads or have seen Best in Show then you know what I mean… I have met some of you show people and even breeders and I know how over the top some of you are, so excuse me for the generalization, but seriously! Geez…

Ok, so yeah I did start thinking about all we do for this dog and how it co-exists in our house. She has her place to sleep, she knows where to eat, and not to shit or piss in the house. She will tell you when she needs out and she loves me to death. She comes to me to seek solace and snuggling. It is quite touching and fucking funny how she comes up to me and nudges me and gets all cozy then all of a sudden on her back with her legs stretched nice and wide, well yeah, ok… that part is disturbing, but you get the point. So we let these animals live in our homes and this is perfectly fine and normal.

During the moment I reflected on this, it just occurred to me how strange it really is having an ANIMAL in our house. What is even more interesting is how many people have a compulsion to have an animal in the home. So while wandering through the puppy farm, I came across this Corgi. Now I am a big dog kinda guy. I would never in a million years think to myself… Hmmm maybe I will go out and get a little tiny kinda dog, I might even go for a yappy ankle biter. Nope not me… I would never in a million years think about such an animal. Just as I would never think that, Hmmm, maybe I would like a Corgi today… Nope I wouldn’t do that either. However I did see this Corgi and he was so cuuuuuuuuuuuute (that was sort of gay, but that is how I felt at the moment), and I wonder if he could co-exist with the rest of the animals in my house. This I thought for literally 1/1millionth of a nanosecond. What the fuck am I thinking another fucking animal in the house? Holy shit was I losing my mind?

For 1/1millionth of a nanosecond I did. But that is it folks… no more than that period of time. I came back to my senses and that is when it occurred to me, what is this compulsion we (humans) for insisting on having an animal companion. I have my wife, Mimi, and she is animal enough for me many nights. So what do we need real animals in our lives? Now I understand not all of us feel like that, my mother in-laws cannot stand animals in her house. She tried to have one but it did not work out. She has the general heart for it, but can’t get into the whole taking care of the animal thing and letting it shed and get fur all over her house.

I have not found the answers to either question, but quite simply the questions are:

Why do we feel the need to have animal companionship?
Why do we insist on co-existing with those animals?

I just think those are some interesting questions to pose. I know I could not turn my princess out into the extremes of the weather and I would never forgive myself if she was not properly taken care of, and it was honestly a strange feeling when I could not pass up the opportunity to bring her home. And I have felt this way about every dog I have had… So I am open to anyone answering those questions and seeing what you think are the answer.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, I wonder the same thing everytime I watch my puppy squat and piss on the carpet or when I find myself picking up his little shit piles in the foyer. It is strange that we bring these things into our homes. I guess, for my part, it's a conditioned thing. Having always grown up with a dog or dogs as part of the family, it just seems natural to have one myself. But then again, it took me until five months ago to actually get one so maybe conditioning isn't the answer.

I think when it comes right down to it, having an inside pet is pretty normal. The vision of the family dog laying next to the fireplace while the family watches television seems very "American". It certainly seems to be the norm, so maybe that's why we do it.

Your extra football coverage sounds great! Last season we had the NFL Sunday Ticket with DishNetwork. It was great getting to see any game we wanted. Unfortunately we aren't going to go for it this year...too damned expensive.

10:36 AM  

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