* Drivin and Blowin....
Howdy boys and girls, y’all gather round cause Uncle Jay has a story to tell you! Nope its not one of those happy ending feel good stories… Its not even one of those horrible stories about mean people who suck. Nope it is one of Dirty Old Man Uncle Jay’s sex stories! Actually it is a few stories but they will all come together at the end I promise.
So several years ago Mimi and I were out for a night on the town and as it turns out, she drank a bit that particular night. Being a suburbanite, one thing that really sucks about going out is not only having to watch how much I drink so I can drive, but the sheer length of the drive. Quite literally it takes almost forty five minutes to drive from downtown to the house. The draw back to this lengthy drive is that it is a necessity to keep Mimi occupied while driving home else she will fall asleep.
I honestly cannot recall what dress she was wearing, but as we got on the highway, I had one hand on the wheel and my other all over and inside Mimi. Initially I started playing with her breasts and nipples caressing and pinching. Soon the top part of the dress was down below her breasts and as her fingers took over squeezing and pinching her breasts, the bottom of her dress came up over her hips, so at this point, she was nekkid (BTW, if you do not know the definition of nekkid it is defined as a person or people who are naked but are “up to something” origin is of Redneck South, ex. I showered naked but when I got in bed we was nekkid and up to something!) and was writhing about in her seat whilst I fingered her incredibly wet pussy and alternately helped her play with her nipples as well as let her suck her juices from my fingers.
Now while all this was going on, we were passing cars and trucks. I am not really sure if anyone saw us in passing, until I noticed this semi running next to us and Mimi looked up and saw the guy watching her. At that point she really did not care about anything because I was rubbing upon her clit and fingering her to orgasm. The truck stayed with us pretty much to our exit, whereupon we got home and I got nekkid too and thus we were nekkid together and we definitely up to something.
About a year before that episode, Mimi and I went to a Braves game and all the while we watched the game, Mimi imbibed copious amounts of vino. So after the game and great libations, we started our trek back to my apartment. Being the incredible sexual woman Mimi was, she had the beginnings of a party in her mouth and wanted me to come. Well what can a guy do but let his girlfriend provide some heady fun. She unzipped my pants, and began giving me an awesome blowjob, something Mimi does very, very well I might add. As she was providing me with such favors, I felt somehow I should return the favor and I was able to coax her shorts off and even being in a rather small car, was easily able to begin fingering her wet pussy (Do you see a theme here yet?). As I said, I have a small car and since we were on the highway and I didn’t have to shift I was able to provide her pleasure as well. But some pleasures like this do not come with modesty, and so as we passed other cars and trucks and semi’s, it was quite obvious a show was being given for all passerby’s. Once again, she was so into it, she really wasn’t concerned about her exhibitionist ways at that moment.
Now, I am sure that although the stories are rather arousing even without details, you may be wondering if there is a point to all of this. Well boys and girls there is… So I put to you a question. Is there etiquette regarding watching people having sex while driving? I mean seriously, lets break this down. You are blowing your man or he has you naked in the car and finger banging you to orgasm. You are in a car, you are naked and it is quite apparent, if you are engaging in such activities, you will be noticed by someone and a good chance someone may want to watch you. Am I correct? I think I am.
So the other night, I am driving home from the football game and I start to pass this couple in the car next to me and the woman is leaning over and against her significant other and at first I did not think a thing of it. But suddenly I recalled how Mimi would be sitting if she were manually fluffing me and I had to slow down. Sure enough as the couple’s car caught up to me, the woman was no longer leaning up against her significant other, but her head was bobbing up and down in his lap. Now I am thinking to myself, “Hell yeah!” I have to check this out and see how far chickie goes.
Now I admit I was looking hard, but I was not the only one, and the thing about the situation is, they seemed a bit annoyed at the attention. I have never witnessed anyone else behaving in the manner of Mimi and I until this particular evening. And I was curious, if she were going to show some skin or something, but alas, it twas not to be. As I said before, there were several onlookers other than me, as there were other cars maintaining pace with the couple. Yet, the attention, I think was unwanted.
So I go back to my primary question of, if you are going to have sexual relations in a car while driving should you not expect to be seen and watched? And my secondary question is; what is the voyeuristic etiquette in watching a couple have sexual relations in a car while driving?
I mean I think that when Mimi and I play our games on the road, that it is expected we will be spied upon and that is in some ways part of the excitement, right?
Taken while in the car.... Wonder if she were spied upon while taking those shorts off...
So several years ago Mimi and I were out for a night on the town and as it turns out, she drank a bit that particular night. Being a suburbanite, one thing that really sucks about going out is not only having to watch how much I drink so I can drive, but the sheer length of the drive. Quite literally it takes almost forty five minutes to drive from downtown to the house. The draw back to this lengthy drive is that it is a necessity to keep Mimi occupied while driving home else she will fall asleep.
I honestly cannot recall what dress she was wearing, but as we got on the highway, I had one hand on the wheel and my other all over and inside Mimi. Initially I started playing with her breasts and nipples caressing and pinching. Soon the top part of the dress was down below her breasts and as her fingers took over squeezing and pinching her breasts, the bottom of her dress came up over her hips, so at this point, she was nekkid (BTW, if you do not know the definition of nekkid it is defined as a person or people who are naked but are “up to something” origin is of Redneck South, ex. I showered naked but when I got in bed we was nekkid and up to something!) and was writhing about in her seat whilst I fingered her incredibly wet pussy and alternately helped her play with her nipples as well as let her suck her juices from my fingers.
Now while all this was going on, we were passing cars and trucks. I am not really sure if anyone saw us in passing, until I noticed this semi running next to us and Mimi looked up and saw the guy watching her. At that point she really did not care about anything because I was rubbing upon her clit and fingering her to orgasm. The truck stayed with us pretty much to our exit, whereupon we got home and I got nekkid too and thus we were nekkid together and we definitely up to something.
About a year before that episode, Mimi and I went to a Braves game and all the while we watched the game, Mimi imbibed copious amounts of vino. So after the game and great libations, we started our trek back to my apartment. Being the incredible sexual woman Mimi was, she had the beginnings of a party in her mouth and wanted me to come. Well what can a guy do but let his girlfriend provide some heady fun. She unzipped my pants, and began giving me an awesome blowjob, something Mimi does very, very well I might add. As she was providing me with such favors, I felt somehow I should return the favor and I was able to coax her shorts off and even being in a rather small car, was easily able to begin fingering her wet pussy (Do you see a theme here yet?). As I said, I have a small car and since we were on the highway and I didn’t have to shift I was able to provide her pleasure as well. But some pleasures like this do not come with modesty, and so as we passed other cars and trucks and semi’s, it was quite obvious a show was being given for all passerby’s. Once again, she was so into it, she really wasn’t concerned about her exhibitionist ways at that moment.
Now, I am sure that although the stories are rather arousing even without details, you may be wondering if there is a point to all of this. Well boys and girls there is… So I put to you a question. Is there etiquette regarding watching people having sex while driving? I mean seriously, lets break this down. You are blowing your man or he has you naked in the car and finger banging you to orgasm. You are in a car, you are naked and it is quite apparent, if you are engaging in such activities, you will be noticed by someone and a good chance someone may want to watch you. Am I correct? I think I am.
So the other night, I am driving home from the football game and I start to pass this couple in the car next to me and the woman is leaning over and against her significant other and at first I did not think a thing of it. But suddenly I recalled how Mimi would be sitting if she were manually fluffing me and I had to slow down. Sure enough as the couple’s car caught up to me, the woman was no longer leaning up against her significant other, but her head was bobbing up and down in his lap. Now I am thinking to myself, “Hell yeah!” I have to check this out and see how far chickie goes.
Now I admit I was looking hard, but I was not the only one, and the thing about the situation is, they seemed a bit annoyed at the attention. I have never witnessed anyone else behaving in the manner of Mimi and I until this particular evening. And I was curious, if she were going to show some skin or something, but alas, it twas not to be. As I said before, there were several onlookers other than me, as there were other cars maintaining pace with the couple. Yet, the attention, I think was unwanted.
So I go back to my primary question of, if you are going to have sexual relations in a car while driving should you not expect to be seen and watched? And my secondary question is; what is the voyeuristic etiquette in watching a couple have sexual relations in a car while driving?
I mean I think that when Mimi and I play our games on the road, that it is expected we will be spied upon and that is in some ways part of the excitement, right?
Taken while in the car.... Wonder if she were spied upon while taking those shorts off...

They seemed annoyed? Weird. I thought being watched was part of the thrill. I have been watched, and I have watched. Both occasions were very sexy. And we certainly welcomed the attention when we were watched.
And that pic makes my night.
you love to be watched? I'll be right over.
I love sexual acts in the car. Either doing them or watching them. Once when my wife and I were driving down to the coast I was fortunate enough to receive some oral pleasure from her. She was leaning over in her seat with her head bobbing up and down. I had my right arm around her playing with her ass through her shorts. I noticed a guy in a red truck speeding up in the lane beside me. I was in the left lane, the fast lane, and the red truck dude was in the right. He got up right beside us and took to watching. I looked over a couple times, enjoying being the subject of his entertainment. He watched for a couple minutes then slowed down and turned off the road.
After she was finished my wife asked if any passing cars had noticed us. I told her about the red truck dude and she said, "Well he probably thought you were gay and getting a bj from a guy." Then she adjusted her ball cap and I realized what she meant. From his angle my wife probably didn't look too femine with her hair tucked up into her cap. That kind of ruined the thrill, I must say.
Nice pic!
Cambridge Dictionary of English Language.
noun [C]
a person (DrM2B)who gets sexual pleasure esp. from secretly watching other people in sexual situations.
Same Dic* (LOL)
exhibit (SHOW AN OBJECT)
verb [I/T]
to show (something) publicly for competition, sale, or amusement
Count me in on both!!!! (so...just what roads do you drive???) tee hee.
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