Monday, May 30, 2005

Comments Anyone?

I was trying to figure out how to set this up to track what searches and such led to my blog, if any. SO I was going through my setups and came across the comment section, and what did I find out?

Some how, some way, the settings for comments was for only those who are registered!

Ironically, I never set a reader registration up, therefore NO ONE could post any comments, that is assuming (we ALL know what ASS/U/ME ing does) any one wanted to comment to any of my posts in the first place.

I am not whoring for comments, just informing you that if you wanted to post a comment, you shoudl be able to now, as I have set commenting up for "ANYONE."

So rip away if you want, or just post your thoughts.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

oK, I did. Am working my way along, both blogs. Will let you know when I get caught up. Rosie

10:33 PM  

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