Saturday, July 16, 2005

* Testing a Picture Repost...

First off, no post from last night because Murphy shat all upon me last night. I could not even catch a breath. So here I am going on 19 hours straight. I will probably keep going till about 10 tonight, but no worries. So I have been wanting to test the bounds of Blogger's TOS as well as their new picture posting tool. I wanted to do this another way, but I seem to be getting nowhere getting a remote directory set up to post by URL. Also, the Chuckster is disappointed I took down the pic I posted of Mimi once before. The one advantage of the Blogger too is supposed to be the fact it resizes the picture so there is less formatting I have to do. Bear in mind this is a test and only a first of many...

Lets start testing TOS.

So since this seems to work, I will post others upon approval of Mimi... Hope you enjoy!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

VERY nice!! Yes indeed....seemed to work...more!

5:18 PM  

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